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Arusha Kids Trust is a Registered Charity ABN 84 395 724 644






The ATO granted Deductible Gift Recipient (income tax deductible) status to Arusha Kids Trust on 28th June 2019. 

All donations are now tax deductible.

You can donate direct to the Arusha Kids Trust bank account or via Paypal.

To make a payment or to set up a Direct Debit:


Bank: CBA       Account Name: Arusha Kids Trust

BSB:  062 110    Account: 1033 4231

Please add Your Name as a reference


To make a payment via Paypal or Credit Card in $A click on the "Donate" button below. .


Donate with PayPal



Donors from countries other than Australia can donate online to Arusha Kids Trust via Paypal or credit card in $US. Please note that some fees do apply.


All donations will be receipted.


Click on "Donate" button to donate via Paypal or Credit Card in $US.


Donate with PayPal

If this is a one-off donation please use the "Contact Us" button to tell us how you wish the money to be applied. 

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